DWORD_PTR dwDistance = (PBYTE)pHookFunction < (PBYTE)pSystemFunction ? (PBYTE)pSystemFunction - (PBYTE)pHookFunction : (PBYTE)pHookFunction - (PBYTE)pSystemFunction;
if (dwDistance > 0x7fff0000) {}
// create a stub that jumps to the replacement function.
// we need this because jumping from the API to the hook directly
// will be a long jump, which is 14 bytes on x64, and we want to
// avoid that - the API may or may not have room for such stuff.
// (remember, we only have 5 bytes guaranteed in the API.)
// on the other hand we do have room, and the trampoline will always be
// within 2GB of the API, so we do the long jump in there.
// the API will jump to the "reverse trampoline" which
// will jump to the user's hook code.
//API將跳轉到"reverse trampoline",其中
內存空間不是應該是一共就是4GB嗎,按理說一個跳轉的偏移無論如何也不會超過 +- 2GB把?